Sunday, December 6, 2020

How to make Water kefir Soda
(A healthy probiotic - rich drink)

Water kefir is a fizzy fermented probiotic drink that's packed full of health benefits for the whole family! It is made with clusters of symbiotic cultures of bacteria and yeast called water kefir grains. They aren’t really grains, but are a symbiotic colony of beneficial bacteria that create probiotics and enzymes during the process of breaking down natural sugar.  It is gluten free and dairy free and comes from cactuses.  It's effervescent provides a light and refreshing flavor.  Besides the impressive amount probiotics it provides its been said to help boost immunity, and slow the growth of cancer sells.  It's a healthy replacement for soda drinkers and it's fun and safe for kids!


       3 tablespoons of hydrated water kefir grains for quart jar

         1/4 cup sugar per quart of water (I like organic unprocessed Rapadura sugar or sucanat) Do not use honey.!! Non-chlorinated filtered water (If you use reverse osmosis, consider adding a few drops of trace minerals back in or I used to sticking a rinsed pastured egg shell in for minerals) If you just have tap water, boil it to remove chlorine and cool before using

     1-2 dried figs

     1/4 lemon - cut in wedges

     2 large thin slices of fresh ginger 


1.    Dissolve the sugar in small amount of hot water.

2.    When sugar is dissolved, fill the rest of the jar with cool filtered water and make sure the water is not warm- it must be at room temp!

3.    Add the hydrated water kefir grains

4.    Cover with towel or coffee filter and secure to rubber band to keep out insects.

5.    Leave it on room temperature for 24-48 hours. The longer you leave it, the more sugar ferments out, so if you are limiting carbs, I recommend 48 hours. Don't leave longer than this! It can starve the grains!

6.    After 48 hours, strain the water kefir grains through a plastic mesh strainer (don't use metal if you can help it!) pouring the liquid into another container.  I use a half gallon jar for the first process and strain into two quart size jars.

7.    Restart the process by dissolving more sugar in water, adding cool water and adding Water Kefir Grains.

8.    To make the Water Kefir carbonated, pour a 1/2- 1cup of 100% fruit juice into the strained water kefir you just strained. I've found Grape, white grape, Pomegranate, Apple and Cherry to work the best. I don't recommend citrus for this part, as it makes stringy yeast like things that are not tasty! Once you've added the juice, cover the jars tightly with an air tight lid and leave on the counter an additional another day or two and then refrigerate.

* If you want to use fresh fruits you may add half cup of roughly meshed fresh or frozen fruits such as mixed berries, peaches, or tropical fruits into the water kefir that you just strained.

* Rinse the kefir grain, lemons, figs, ginger and the jar well in running water and start a new batch, follow the instructions above.  The lemons, figs and ginger can be used for two batches.

* If you want to make 1/2 gallon which I do, double the ingredients above.


My Favorite Kefir Variations

·         Doing the second fermentation simply add 100% no sugar added white grape juice or cranberry pomegranate juice for a fizzy fruit flavored soda. 

Or I have been make adding fruit juice and fresh mixed berries and tropical fruits half and half. It turned out fantastic!

·         After the first fermentation, cap the water kefir without adding any juice. After two days, put in fridge and add vanilla extract before drinking- tastes like cream soda!

·         Adding lemon juice and drinking right after the first fermentation- tastes like lemonade!

I wanted to try water kefir soda using herbs such as mint, rosemary, clove, turmeric....

I'm excited keep discovering good stuffs! Please share with me if you find your favorite flavor!



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