Saturday, October 11, 2014

Millet Patties

Millet Patties

Millet is one of the oldest grains known to man and one of the most useful. it is alkalizing to the extent that it balances places in the body that are too acidic. Millet is anti-fungal and anti bacterial. It is very healing to stomach, spleen, pancreas, and kidney. It's excellent for treating and controlling candida. It kills bacteria in the mouth so it's great for sweetening the breath. It helps control diarrhea and other digestive upsets. Millet soothes morning sickness and prevents miscarriages.
It's contains iron and magnesium, excellent source of protein, is high in fiber, improves wound healing, and is rich in zinc. Also it helps prevent elevated blood pressure, heart disease, high cholesterol, iron deficiency anemia, strokes.

Are you wondering why you and your family aren't eating it? Well, it could be because you don't have a clue how to prepare it. It has been passed over by our culture.
Millet is a mild tasting grain that has been a staple in Africa and Asia for thousands of years. Some millet is grown in the United States, but it has never been as popular in this country as other grains. That's starting to change as people learn just how healthy it is.
Millet is one of the most nutritious grains.
The tiny, yellow, bead-like grains that kids will know as bird seeds.

 Here is the simple recipe that will let you become acquainted with its benefits.
My brother in-law shared this recipe in his cooking class 10 years ago. Thanks to him!
This is our favorite way of preparing millet. Kids absolutely love them with a little organic catsup on them. You won't be able to resist them.
 1 cup millet makes 16-18 patties ( it depends on the size of the patties). I made them this morning,and my sons Mark and Nathan ate them all!!! Nothing left for me and my husband :(

1 cup Millet, soaked
2 cups Water (or 3 cups for without soaking Millet)
1-2 Tablespoon Braggs liquid Aminos
3 Green Onions, finely chopped
1 carrot, grated and chopped
2 teaspoons Ghee (clarify Butter)
optional seasoning: 1/2 teaspoon each of basil, salt, black pepper

soak millet for 2 hours, rinse well and drain. Cook millet in 2 cups of water. You basically cook millet just like you would rice. It takes about 30 minutes. The millet should become the consistency of mashed potatoes.

In a big bowl, add all ingredients together and mix them well.
Make patties about the size of hamburger patties or cookies.

 Lightly fry in one teaspoon of Ghee 2-3 minutes until golden brown and flip to other side, do the same way with rest of Ghee. ( don't flip back and forth)

Serve with catsup, braggs aminos, or for those with a sweet tooth try with agave nectar for breakfast!
Or Serve with a green salad for a light lunch! delicious! Enjoy it!

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