Monday, October 27, 2014

Whole Wheat and Oat Meal Pancake

Whole Wheat &Oat Meal Pancake : Makes 16 (4-inch) pancakes

I adopted this recipe from Whole Foods for the whole family cook book. 
It is very easy to make this batter and it is very moist and healthy!.
I haven't purchased a pancake mix from the store for a long time.
My niece Oura Hill (8 years old) calls this "the special good pancake" and she loves it!


1 cup Whole wheat flour (I used hard white wheat)
1 cup or less of old fashion rolled oat (or up to 1 cup cooked millet)
2 cups almond milk
1-2 organic eggs
2 tablespoons or more agave nectar
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons ghee (add to batter or add to the pan as you make it) I added to a pan.

* The idea is that the flour and oats amount should total 2 cups so when you substitute any grains for that it should be no more than 2 cups total but you can add more milk if it needs more liquid.

Also, try half and half of pumpkin puree with rolled oats.


In a large bowl put in milk, eggs, baking power, salt, agave nectar, oat, and ghee (if use it to batter); mix well.
Add flour and beat only until large lumps disappear. Set a side at least 30 minute.

Batter may also be made the night before; store in covered container in refrigerator,
also can keep 3-5 days in refrigerator.

Pour a small amount of battle onto greased preheated pan or griddle. Cook until brown on both sides.

Freeze extra cooked pancakes and heat in toaster for snacks or busy mornings.
May substitute soy milk or organic milk or any combination of whole wheat, rye, buckwheat flour.

Serve topped with any seasonal fruits such as blue berries, strawberries, peaches, apples (see below picture), You can shredded or mush the fruits and drizzling agave or 100%maple syrup on the top of fruit.

Because of the juicy fresh fruits, you don't need as much as syrup!

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