Monday, January 26, 2015

Zucchini Hummus Veggie Roll

I am so excited share this dish with you! It's very easy to make it and so delicious and so pretty as well.
You can even create your own version of veggie rolls to add your favorite vegetables! I love it!
Have a fun making it!


Basic Hummus with flax-seed oil (or store bought)
1 medium Zucchini
1 carrot
1 cucumber
1 avocado
Optional: handful of bean sprouts, any colors of bell pepper or your favorite vegetables....

Peel zucchini as wide as you can with vegetable peeler

Julianne cut carrot and cucumber to twice wider than zucchini
cut avocado same length but thicker

spread hummus on the zucchini peel, add avocado, carrots, cucumbers, bean sprouts on the top of hummus 

Gently roll zucchini peel with vegetables all the way end of zucchini peel

Place on the plate! Serve with extra hummus dip or any other dressings will be great as well!

What a beautiful, simple and fancy dish! All we can enjoy it!

Basic Hummus with flax-seed oil

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