Thursday, August 25, 2016

Sprout whole grain pancake
Makes 12


2 cups sprout whole grain (hard white wheat)
1 or 2 eggs
1/2 cup none dairy milk (homemade nut milk or soy, rice milk)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons agave nectar
2 tablespoons ghee
optional: up to 1/2 soaked oat meal or cooked millet


Grind sprout wheat (soaked 12-24 hour, rinsed well and drained)
in the food processor with 1/4 cup of milk. Make sure to scrape the edges a couple times so that all the wheat is ground.

In a large bowl combine, grinned wheat, rest of milk, egg, baking powder, salt, agave nectar, and ghee; mix well.

The consistency will be more thicker than regular pancake batter.

I add soaked oatmeal in this picture.

Just cook as you would any other pancake and enjoy.

I eat it with fresh seasonal fruit such as (apples, peaches, bananas, strawberries, blueberries....) and drizzled agave nectar or 100% pure maple syrup. Yummy!!!!

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