Saturday, October 18, 2014

How to sprout Mung Beans

Sprouting Mung Beans

I've been sprouting seeds, wheat, and mung beans at home for many years. I love adding sprouts on salads, sandwiches, stir fried vegetables, and fresh no bake pizzas. Combine sprouted mung beans with cooked quinoa. There are so many possibilities! It takes around 5 days to grow and they don't require much attention. It is lots of fun watching them grow every day, and just in 5 days you can add it to your meal! Fantastic!

They contain a concentrated amount of key vitamins and minerals such iron, potassium, folate and vitamin C. They are also a good sources of protein.
Eat fresh sprouted mung beans quickly because the longer you store them, the more protein and other nutrients they lose.

I was busy eating fresh produce from garden all summer long. Now My garden is almost done and getting ready for winter but I still can eat fresh sprouts in the winter time.

I am excited to share my mung bean sprouts pictures that I've been taking!
It's very cute and makes me smile. You will not fail!

Items you will need:
A quart size canning jar and *ring and screen
1/3 cup of *mung beans

* I like to use a circle cut from a plastic screen. It was left over from my storm door screen.
You can even use a piece from a bag of onions or potatoes.
Trace and cut out the circle and put inside the ring.

* Mung beans can be purchased from any natural grocery store or Asian grocery store.

Put mung beans in the jar and fill with water 1/2 way. Screw the lid onto jar.  Let them soak for 8 hrs. or you can leave it overnight.

After 8 hours soaking the beans, rinse and drain all the water out couple times.  
Repeat these simple steps every morning and every night for 5 days. It only takes a few minutes to do and the results are more than worth it!

You should lay it down in a shady place by the sink and on its side to make more room to grow.
This also helps you to remember to rinse and drain while you are in the kitchen.  If your kitchen doesn't have shady dark place, you can cover with towel to avoid direct bright sunlight.  They like shady dark place!

This picture below is after 2 days

These pictures are after 4 days! Getting excited! You could use them at this point, if you can't wait any longer.

After 5 days!!!!!

It will be 1 or 2 days early or later growing time, It depends on your house temperature, but if you see leaves from the head of beans put closed lid on it after you drain all the water out. Keep it in the refrigerator to stop it from growing until you use it. 
You can add to your salad, sandwich, stir-fry, .... much more!  Enjoy it!

* You can sprout any seeds such as alfalfa, clover, radish using same directions.

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